Behind the Gardens, Behind the Wall, Under the Tree...

"This album marked the start of our adventure, the entry into this very different world of sound. The title is like giving someone directions: "You will find us behind The Garden, behind The Wall, under The Tree..." Recording this album we worked completely cut off from the world, in the cellars of the Sinus Studios in the historical part of the city of Berne; they are more than 300 years old. In the shelter of this creative "womb", it was easy to lose track of time and space." 

re-mastered, überarbeiteter Sound, Bonus Songs, Bonus Videos

Behind the Gardens – Behind the Wall – Under the Tree

  1. Behind the Gardens – Behind the Wall – Under the Tree 7:18
  2. Pyramid – In the Wood – In the Bright Light 7:52
  3. Micro-Macro 2:49
  4. Skin and Skin
  5. Moonlight – Lion and Sheep 4:01
  6. Sunday- 1:58
  7. Afternoon 0:47
  8. Hands and Clouds 2:24


Andreas Vollenweider: harp (somewhat modified), woodwind instruments, soprano saxophone, voices, electric and acoustic guitars, accordion, keyboards, special effects…
Pedro Haldemann & Jon Otis: percussion
Walter Keiser: drums

Recorded and mixed by Eric Merz at the SINUS-Studio Bern (Switzerland)
Remastered by Andreas Vollenweider at the Lakeside Studios (Switzerland)

The synthesizers were recorded in the fields near Bern by the MAC HEUBI Mobile Studio.

producing and coordinating:
Vera Brandes & Hugo Faas

Photographs: Ernst Wirz, Darryl Pitt
Artwork: Hans Inauen

My most grateful sentiments to Beata Vollenweider, who is guiding my heartbeat with love, to Hugo Faas, Vera Brandes, Pedro Haldemann, Walter Keiser, Jon Otis, Eric Merz, Johannes Vollenweider (“the thunderman”) Ernst Wirz, Maria Zehnder, Mother and Father, just to mention a few…
Andreas Vollenweider

All music written, arranged and produced by Andreas Vollenweider for AVAF MUSIC Publishing, Switzerland
Andreas Vollenweider is a member of SUISA and GEMA
Worldwide subpublishing (excl. Switzerland) by EMI-Music-Publishing, New York

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Behind The Wall Under The Tree

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